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Nine students will find out how to engage for the climate

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Now the first round of the Experience to insights lab is starting at Visual Arena. Here, students explore how organizations can improve their ability to reach long-term sustainability goals with the help of visualization solutions.

Kvinnliga studenter står och pratar i en studio

The question that the examiners start from How can visualization help organizations to include and engage people in a way that supports their challenging sustainability goals? comes from a range of organizations in Visual Arena's network.

"When we talk to our broad network, a big, difficult challenge often comes up: "how do we use the power in our organization to contribute to the journey towards our long-term sustainability goals?" Visual Arena meets many, who ask, shouldn't visualization be an enabler to improve the possibility of reaching these long-term goals. Visualization is a tool that makes it possible to get a picture of the future, which we believe can contribute to success. In our student program Experience to Insights Lab, several student groups collaborate with completely different perspectives on the solutions, thus we create an interdisciplinary perspective, and learning that gives a creative force" –  Martin Högenberg, program manager for Visual Arena.

He continues to explain: 

Man på scen

At Visual Arena, we help teams through effective innovation journeys. These journeys are based on methods and tools for design, innovation and change. They enable a completely new level of collaboration and creativity, something that is really needed to get more people to contribute to successful sustainability work.

– Martin Högenberg, programledare för Visual Arena.  

The students have now been working for about 2 weeks. The first work includes interviews with sponsors and stakeholders, to set the shape of the challenge and the effects sought. Their first delivery is in the form of a fictitious future Press Release, to paint a picture of what it looks like when we succeed.

We hope that many will want to take part in the results and insights generated in the Experience to insights lab. We will disseminate them through a final presentation and in the news and social media and would like to see them implemented throughout business and society.

Experience to insights lab is a new venture at Visual Arena where students in design and innovation prints explore how to face real challenges through visualization.

The student program is based at Visual Arena, which is an innovation program at Lindholmen Science Park.

Visual Arena exists to address and solve complex issues through innovation. Through a diverse network of experts, these challenges are tackled. Through an experimental, creative approach, new meaningful solutions are found for society, organizations and individuals.

We are happy that the incredibly committed and creative students have chosen to make the innovation journey together with us, let us present:

  • Sandra Ghattas and Klara Aune who studies Design engineering at Chalmers  
  • Washan Nabbat and Wilma Haugsnes who studies Master in Communication at University of Gothenburg 

  • Cali KarlbergElin Palmaer Karlsson and Elina Assersson who studies MFA Embedded Design at HDK Valand, University of Gothenburg

  • Valentina Quintero Pinto and Sara Lindberg who studies Cognitive science at the IT faculty at University of Gothenburg

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Experience to Insights Lab

Here, students explore burning topics through innovation and design sprints. Are you ready for a journey where curiosity and creativity are used to create a brighter future that we will be proud to...
Bild på Martin Högenberg, en leende man i medelåldern som bär ett par ovala glasögon. Han bär en polo och lutar sig på en utsträckt hand som vilar på ett gångräcke.

Martin Högenberg

Visual Arena
Program Leader