ToRSIM – Traffic Simulator
ToRSIM – Traffic Simulator is a preliminary study for the purpose of investigating the possibilities of establishing an arena for transport and traffic simulation at Visual Arena at Lindholmen Science Park.
The ToRSIM – Traffic Simulator project is a study of the conditions for establishing an arena for transport and traffic simulation that is part of Visual Arena at Lindholmen Science Park. The ambition is that ToRSIM – Traffic Simulator will be able to function as a virtual test bed. Market players who lead projects geared towards development of new mobility solutions can get assistance with various forms of simulations.
By simulating ideas of new mobility solutions at an early stage, it is possible to get an indication of the potential of the solutions and thereby determine how to proceed. A positive result of the simulation would, for example, entail taking the chance to go forward and implement more extensive real testing. Those who lead this type of project find that there is a lack of partners who can contribute with these simulations, but would like to have them available.
The preliminary study also includes studies of whether and how the arena could contribute a freight strategy to Region Västra Götaland. A number of different areas of application are mentioned in this connection, wherein possibilities for transport and traffic simulation could contribute and are in demand. The freight strategy includes, among other things, a need to spread knowledge about which needs and conditions freight transport has. One way to spread knowledge is by simulating and visualising.
The project is financed by Västra Götalandsregionen.