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Our vision is to make visualization a tool for everyone. Which clarifies, unites and helps us to achieve sustainability together. Through collaboration, we develop new ways of visualizing. We initiate and run projects, gather expertise and disseminate knowledge.


Engage yourself!

You can participate in various ways, such as involvement in focus areas, strategy advice, project applications, project participation, making technology available, events and knowledge dissemination.

Areas of focus

  • Visualization for user experience * and learning
    - Elevated user experiences through deeper understanding and emotional impressions 

  • Visualization as change support
    - Strengthen the development capacity for a sustainable society

  • Visualization of data and information
    Increase the ability to understand, analyze and work with data and information

Informationsvisualisering över våra fokusområde,: informationsvisualisering, XR, digitala tvillingar, Metaverse och förändringsledning. Olika ikoner syns tillsammmans med text som symboliserar detta.

*Visualisering kan användas som redskap för utveckling inom UX, men också vara en del i användarupplevelsen av system, tjänster och produkter. Det här menar vi med user experience:

We turn to you who

  • Wants to develop new forms of visualization and increase the application of visualization
  • Wants to highlight needs that drive visualization development and increase application
  • Initiates and creates projects and wants to include visualization perspectives
  • Wants to work in development projects
  • Wants to spread knowledge, show technology, methods, application and network

Here are examples of stakeholder groups that are valuable in continuous collaboration to create and drive innovation around visualization.

  • Needs owners (eg need to improve the business's way of visualizing data)
  • Owner / creator of content that is designed (eg datasets, teaching materials, information, illustrations, productions)
  • Virtualization technology - supplier, software / hardware (eg contributes with VR glasses, motion capture equipment)
  • Visualization technology - developer, software / hardware (eg products and services)
  • Application and method developer (applies existing content, technology, method for different purposes)

Get in touch with us! 

Bild på Martin Högenberg, en leende man i medelåldern som bär ett par ovala glasögon. Han bär en polo och lutar sig på en utsträckt hand som vilar på ett gångräcke.
Martin Högenberg
+46 (0)706092913

Some of our projects that we run! 

En väldigt dramatisk scenföreställning med teaterskådespelare som är utklädda till gladiatorer  brottas bland rök


What is the digital performing arts of the future, and what might it look like? We find out in the...
Photo of Magdalenefjorden

Expanded rephotography

The research project is based on the premise that we need new ideas about the complex effect of...
svartvitt foto. Forskare med flygplansvinge i ett platt vitt landskap.

Methods for digital diagnosis of endangered cultural heritage

The impact of climate change on cultural environments and monuments that are difficult to access is...
Man som sysslar med VR

Narrative XR Lab

Narrative XR Lab is a creative lab at Visual Arena, where artistic storytelling in Extended Reality...
Bild på blommor på fält. Fotot är taget med kort skräpedjupt så att att de blommor som är närmast är det fokus på och bakgrunden är suddig.

Sustainable home development via increased MIK

In the project, an educational model for intergenerational film production about the future of local...
Workshop with Virtual Gothenburg Lab

Urban Co-Creation Lab

Urban Co-Creation Lab is a development project that creates a platform for collaboration between...